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File: 1647490695456.jpg -(74296 B, 400x267) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
74296 No.2321   [Reply]

An otter dining on a classic French speciality. What other delicacies do these gourmets enjoy?

>pic Rita Chapman
4 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.2336  
File: 1648110153884.jpg -(255216 B, 600x606) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Otters like eggs too.

>> No.2337  

But do they eat them? Or just play with them?

>> No.2338  

>>2337 Eggs and small birds are part of otter's diet

>> No.2343  

It sure looks like the ott in >>2336 is about to munch on that egg he’s holding

>> No.2345  

>>2343 About to take a big bite for sure

File: 1618520329629.jpg -(327430 B, 1536x2048) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
327430 No.757   [Reply]
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>> No.824  

His ottery qualities are more condensed this way.

>> No.845  

What if too much otter is concentrated into a too small space? Do we get an otter black hole?

>> No.850  

>>845 Quite the opposite, my friend.
More like a new star birthing.

>> No.2024  

How does a small otter catch a big fish?

>> No.2319  

>>2024 It compensates with viciousness.

File: 1646128132743.jpg -(278625 B, 1000x666) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
278625 No.2268   [Reply]
>Chungungo: Re-Ottering Chile

About the efforts to repopulate Chile with otters.

>> No.2270  

Truly heartwarming, and nice footage too. I hope the otters will survive

>> No.2276  
>climbing down cliffs to help otters
>carrying boulders to help otters

This man is a hero for otters

>> No.2301  

It's certainly nice to know that Chile is being successfully ottered.

>> No.2309  

Chile first, next the world

File: 1646234089664.jpg -(138642 B, 1200x630) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
138642 No.2273   [Reply]


>We are sad to announce the passing of Adaa, the male northern sea otter under our care, from cancer. The disease was diagnosed in mid-February and considered terminal. Adaa was treated with medications to manage his symptoms and provide him with a good quality of life for the time he had left. The staff had hoped this would give him several weeks, but his condition recently deteriorated and he was humanely euthanized on Sunday, February 27.
>This beloved animal was the oldest male sea otter at zoos and aquariums in the U.S., and he became the oldest male sea otter on record in the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) “studbook” when he reached 22 years and 2 months old. (On average, sea otters in the wild live 15–20 years.) An AZA studbook dynamically documents the entire demographic history of each individual of a species—this is an invaluable tool to help us understand how individuals and groups are doing and allows us to provide the best standard of care.

Farewell Adaa, you will be missed.

>> No.2274  

Heaven just got another angel

File: 1643992445275.pdf -(2427180 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2427180 No.2213   [Reply]

All the otters are doing well and they're building a new hospital.

>> No.2226  
File: 1644427123365.jpg -(190355 B, 800x777) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

February news just dropped

>> No.2228  

>>2226 Holly is such a beauty, happy she's doing well.

>> No.2234  


>Their fish comes by ferry from the mainland and unfortunately this has been cancelled a few times due to the storms.
>Luckily, our dedicated supplier has managed to get someone to drive all the way round to Skye to keep the otters' fish stockpile topped up.

Thank God. Fish for the otters.

File: 1644402626203.jpg -(76399 B, 960x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
76399 No.2223   [Reply]

Turns out fish are a great source of protein

>> No.2224  
File: 1644402649741.jpg -(81007 B, 960x758) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This guy can rip crabs in half

>> No.2225  

When he swims he doesn't get wet. The water gets otter

File: 1635530045481.jpg -(135587 B, 1200x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
135587 No.1939   [Reply]

It's that leafy season.

Pics from Edinburgh Zoo

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>> No.2026  

He's like the eye of a storm!

>> No.2052  
File: 1639470331600.jpg -(80018 B, 1400x1400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's winter now. Otters love the winter.

>> No.2121  
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>> No.2147  

It also brings happiness to my brain.

>> No.2220  

What do otters think about the spring?

File: 1617560203288.jpg -(177492 B, 1508x934) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
177492 No.691   [Reply]

Imagine if a person has never heard about otters and doesn't know anything about them.

How do you explain otters to someone like that?

>> No.695  

Imagine the nicest most beautiful river flowing through untouched nature.
Imagine lots of big, nutritious, delicious fish swimming all through it.
God decided there needs to be a big weasel in there to chase and eat them.
This animal is great at swimming, but lives on land. It only goes into the water to hunt or play.
This animal is called the Otter.

>> No.701  

God knows best.

>> No.1148  

You don't explain otters because you can't. If you want to teach someone about otters, you simply show them.

>> No.1158  

^^^Real wisdom

>> No.2206  

"Otter" isn't something you learn. It has to be felt, experienced. You can study it in textbooks, even look at pictures. But nothing beats truly experiencing it.

File: 1643398595488.jpg -(132467 B, 900x550) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
132467 No.2194   [Reply]



>> No.2195  

RIP Micas.
You're busting shells in the seas of Heaven now, buddy

File: 1613996225107.jpg -(87595 B, 600x401) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
87595 No.60   [Reply]

https://dailyotter.org/ is a pretty nice page, they upload otter stuff every day. What are some other good otter sites?

16 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.1374  



Yeah this is pretty cool.

>> No.1931  

This website, full of otter stuff, launched recently

>> No.1967  


>> No.2129  


>> No.2191  


File: 1642945205961.jpg -(49448 B, 700x394) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
49448 No.2168   [Reply]

Marine otters are already extremely rare, but now an oil spill in Peru is further killing dozens of them. Also plankton, seals, fish, penguins, crabs, basically the whole ecosystem of a pristine natural region has been destroyed.

The Spanish oil company Repsol, which spilled 6000 barrels of oil, is being fined $36 million. Repsol has an annual revenue of $56 billion. That means it'll take them about 5½ hours to recover all the money from the fine.

>> No.2169  

Fines are just cost of doing business. If you're a big enough company you can get away with murder.

>> No.2170  
File: 1642946662477.mp4 -(1039020 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Video of a marine otter unsuccessfully trying to clean oil from its fur by rubbing in the sand. Otters are difficult to capture and so many can't be rescued. Many have already been found dead.

>> No.2171  

Is anyone working to clean the spill up?

>> No.2172  

>>2171 Yes, reportedly they've got some ragtag volunteer groups working to clean up the oil. it could take months though.

>> No.2183  

Do you know of any organizations to which one could donate to help with the cleanup effort?

File: 1620923669082.jpg -(133220 B, 468x704) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
133220 No.890   [Reply]

Did you know that otters are otters?

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>> No.1467  

Otters are the ottest. It's impossible to be otter than an otter.

>> No.1468  

That otters

>> No.1469  


>> No.2120  
File: 1641688617793.jpg -(124559 B, 784x596) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Actually, here are some otters checking a box.

>> No.2181  

Otters aren't otters, there are many different kinds of otter.

File: 1643021702338.jpg -(137797 B, 1280x853) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
137797 No.2176   [Reply]
>> No.2177  

I'd imagine animal dreams are just as whacky as ours. Mashups of palaces the otter has been and other otters it met before, but with some crazyness mixed in.

File: 1638452248009.png -(769313 B, 1000x1161) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
769313 No.2017   [Reply]

Hey guys, the Otter Specialist Group is holding a contest for the logo of the next big otter event. We're pretty good at making logos, so let's join.

>> No.2018  
File: 1638454214413.png -(15395 B, 900x900) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Maybe something like this, it's an otter's face and also a cirlcle of three people. I think it fits the theme.

>> No.2019  

>>2018 That's pretty clever. I like it!

>> No.2164  

Only 2 days to go, better send in now

File: 1641751166443.jpg -(96417 B, 1000x1000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
96417 No.2132   [Reply]

Why are you all so obsessed with otters?

>> No.2133  

It's a feeling, can't explain it

>> No.2134  
File: 1641768924600.jpg -(59136 B, 650x431) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Why aren't you?

>> No.2135  
File: 1641842934658.gif -(5633313 B, 300x300) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Otters are the pinnacle of existence and nobility, and provide a Platonic form which all life should strive to be like

File: 1639485787174.jpg -(603142 B, 1171x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
603142 No.2056   [Reply]

What do otters smell like?

>> No.2060  

Essence of muddy river water.

>> No.2074  

I hope one day I get to sniff an otter

File: 1632942643251.jpg -(24775 B, 620x372) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
24775 No.1886   [Reply]

The otters are attacking.
Are you prepared?

>> No.1887  

Can one ever truly prepare for otters?

>> No.1888  

They always seem to come otter nowhere.

>> No.1890  

Can't wait to see them chomp my arm while I try to pet it

>> No.1892  

Otter-human affection cycle:
Pet, pet
Bite, bite
Snuggle, snuggle

>> No.2050  

A guy in Singapore got attacked by 20 otters.


File: 1629930654764.png -(146150 B, 256x256) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
146150 No.1548   [Reply]

This image of otters was AI-generated at https://neuralblender.com/

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>> No.1577  

It's so wild you don't even know what you're looking at

>> No.1580  
File: 1630180448455.png -(126661 B, 256x256) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

long otties

>> No.1591  
File: 1630330946943.png -(332398 B, 704x396) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>1573 They are fusing together!

>> No.1594  


>They are fusing together!

That's the fun bit that generates moar otters, right?

>> No.1992  
File: 1637603832078.png -(650634 B, 768x432) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

File: 1636574321728.jpg -(157271 B, 500x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
157271 No.1973   [Reply]

Thank you for loving otters.

>> No.1981  

Ahhhhhhggg I love otters so muuuuuch
Otters otters OTTERS otters otters

File: 1635969517614.png -(10924 B, 345x581) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
10924 No.1954   [Reply]

The earth used to be much richer in otters than it is today.
In this thread let's share some of our little knowledge about the otters that used to roam the land and sea in bygone eras.

>Researchers from the Universities of Tubingen and Zaragoza have discovered a previously unknown species of otter from 11.4 million year old strata at the Hammerschmiede fossil site. The new species was named Vishnuonyx neptuni, meaning Neptunes Vishnu otter. The Vishnu otter genus was previously known only from Asia and Africa. Vishnu otters (Vishnuonyx) are predators with a weight of 10-15 kilograms that were first discovered in sediments in the foothills of the Himalayas and lived 14 – 12.5 million years ago.
>> No.1956  

Forgot link

File: 1626650930081.jpg -(1096056 B, 1920x1675) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1096056 No.1411   [Reply]

Big floods ongoing in Germany/Belgium.
Are y'all okay? Any otters in the area who can help out?

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>> No.1420  
File: 1626942960749.png -(893825 B, 640x594) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

No, that's just what the otters want you to believe! It's them, they're raising the water levels on purp-

Nothing to see here citizen, move along.

>> No.1423  

There are so many floods going on right now. What's happening? And are the otters alright?

>> No.1424  

Otters always rise to the surface once the storm has abated. Can't flood an Otter out.

>> No.1425  

What about the holts with all their babies in them? Those are gonna get flooded and all the little otter babies would drown. Otters need water and dry land.

>> No.1952  

I'm sure momma is gonna protect her cubs. Animals have a sense like that.

File: 1613516258627.jpg -(208188 B, 864x576) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
208188 No.26   [Reply]

""Old Mama" was the first mother whose family I studied in detail. From 1986 to 1991, she gave birth to 22 pups. Ol' Mom was a paragon of motherhood, totally dedicated to her young. I've never seen any female of any species work more dutifully to raise her little ones. Old Mama genuinely loved her pups. She cried for days after her lastborn yearling daughter was killed. Subsequently, the old matriarch lost the will to live, and she died of self-imposed starvation in July, 1992."
By J Scott Shannon https://otters.net/pg2.html
What a story. Really shows the strength of motherhood even in animals.

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>> No.1170  
> 22 pups

Quite the busy otter.

>> No.1185  

We're bigger on the inside.

>> No.1195  

So cute

>> No.1196  

>>1195 anon, did you read the post?

>> No.1949  

"An otter's cub was captured and confined in the stableyard of a house near a river where the mother had been hunted during the day. At night, in company with her other cub, she came to the yard and tried to liberate the little captive, but without success. At dawn she withdrew to the river, where she was again hunted, but after several hours’ pursuit managed to escape. Nothing daunted, she returned at nightfall to the yard and once more endeavoured to free her cub, but with no better result than before. It is pleasant to read that after such heroic conduct on the part of the poor beast, the hunter's heart softened and the whelp restored."

  • Article in the Monthly Review (June 1906) by J. C. Tregarthen

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270487 No.87   [Reply]

Most zoos are closed due to the pandemic so we haven't been able to visit our otters for a long time. How are you holding up during these tough times?
I really miss my otters. I wanna go back and watch them play around again, it makes me so happy. But I've been deprived of that by this stupid virus for months now.

>> No.91  

I'm fine as long as otters are fine.

>> No.272  

At least we have virtual otters.

>> No.860  

Still holding up okay, just gotta keep on keeping on.

>> No.864  

Hope you feel better otternon.

>> No.1938  

Lonely time still isn't over...

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107214 No.1906   [Reply]


>> No.1908  

My favorite literature

>> No.1910  

My kind of review. Thank you, Paul!

>> No.1912  
>IOSF by the numbers
  • 18 Languages available for the IOSF video
  • 21 Number of countries represented at IOSF workshops
  • 28 Years of helping otters worldwide
  • 47 Number of countries where we have helped cubs or injured otters
  • 60+ countries took part in the IOSF Webinar for World Otter Day
  • 64 Number of countries we have supporters
  • 69 Number of countries where we have supported projects
  • 167 Number of cubs or injured otters abroad that we have helped
  • 230 Number of cubs and injured otters we have treated at our Skye hospital
  • 300+ people signed up for the IOSF Webinar for World Otter Day
  • 139,000+ supporters worldwide

Loving this. Very strong Otter numbers.

>> No.1926  


>139,000+ supporters

But my lord, there is no such force!

>> No.1929  

A vigorous force of determined people around the globe. This is our time.

File: 1616978612156.jpg -(46026 B, 451x343) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
46026 No.606   [Reply]

What is the difference between humans and otters?

>> No.647  

Otters are more buoyant.

>> No.707  

Human's faces are longer

>> No.708  

Otters sound better

>> No.749  

Ain't that the truth!

>> No.1876  

Otters are cuter and cooler. They know what the purpose of the life is, while we wander aimlessly.

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