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138642 No.2273  


>We are sad to announce the passing of Adaa, the male northern sea otter under our care, from cancer. The disease was diagnosed in mid-February and considered terminal. Adaa was treated with medications to manage his symptoms and provide him with a good quality of life for the time he had left. The staff had hoped this would give him several weeks, but his condition recently deteriorated and he was humanely euthanized on Sunday, February 27.
>This beloved animal was the oldest male sea otter at zoos and aquariums in the U.S., and he became the oldest male sea otter on record in the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) “studbook” when he reached 22 years and 2 months old. (On average, sea otters in the wild live 15–20 years.) An AZA studbook dynamically documents the entire demographic history of each individual of a species—this is an invaluable tool to help us understand how individuals and groups are doing and allows us to provide the best standard of care.

Farewell Adaa, you will be missed.

>> No.2274  

Heaven just got another angel
