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File: 1651446439401.jpg -(225092 B, 614x529) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
225092 No.2451   [Reply]

Ottercine: Otter Movie Night

What? A stream event where we meet and watch otters and other things together. Documentaries, short videos, whatever you like - everyone can add something!

When? On the last Sunday of every month at 8pm UTC.

Where? Here: https://cytu.be/r/ottercine

232 posts and 32 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.4148  

Yay! I think we have a couple things already in the queue, but my brain is cooked so maybe I'm misremembering. In any case, I found this which looked cute https://youtu.be/Te6n1RiH0MI?si=icQ7XIxNy2ISCyKR

>> No.4149  
>> No.4170  

Im going to miss ottercine due to travel again, why do things always get scheduled for sundays ;-; I'll miss you guys but i hope you still have a good time without me.

>> No.4171  

Aww that's a shame, we'll miss you too :hiding: but hey, it doesn't have to be always on Sunday? I wouldn't be against having a special weekday ottercine just for you

>> No.4175  

I have returned! I sent that message shortly before i had to leave or else I'd have responded sooner. I would feel bad moving the ottercine on my account, its a standing tradition we have had for a long time now and moving it just for me feels wrong. I should hopefully be free next time though and can catch up on all the otter antics :smallclawed:

File: 1740340163105.jpg -(1142276 B, 999x1024) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1142276 No.4173   [Reply]

Good news! :love:


>> No.4174  

This is great news! The article also mentions an action plan for otters is in the works which would be great for conservation efforts I'm sure :dance:

File: 1738680448749.jpg -(32834 B, 720x514) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
32834 No.4166   [Reply]

Sometimes, otters are in the grass.

(photo by suemaccallumstewart.com)

>> No.4168  
File: 1738680644617.jpg -(61307 B, 720x900) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Sometimes otters EAT the grass

>> No.4169  

Interesting relationship between otters and the grass
Sometimes they'll bask in it, sometimes they'll play with it, and sometimes, they'll bite it
It feels like a metaphor for love

File: 1738674401533.gif -(1861995 B, 540x450) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1861995 No.4164   [Reply]


>> No.4165  

Is that real?

>> No.4167  

ermm that's not an otter :cutemad:

File: 1735626669589.jpg -(248743 B, 1170x1152) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
248743 No.4134   [Reply]

I’m learning Welsh right now, and I just got the word otter, “dyfrgi.” I also know that otter in Latin is “lutra.“ I don’t know about any other languages though, do y’all know any other words for otter?

>> No.4135  

Off the top of my head

  • wydra in polish and other slavic languages
  • sudal in korean
  • kawauso in japanese
  • loutre in french
  • lontra in italiano
  • tha'leb el ma` in arabic
  • saukko in finish
  • su samuru in Turkish
  • kunduz in kazakh and some central asian languages (also means beaver)
  • nutria in spanish
  • rai ca in vietnamese (pronounced sai ta)
  • fisi maji in (pretty sure it was) swahili
Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No.4136  

Forgot memerang in Malay and berang-berang in Indonesian

>> No.4145  
File: 1737036717557.jpg -(55473 B, 1200x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This sounds cool, I would also be interested in seeing the sheet if anyone has it

File: 1614340575827.jpg -(521803 B, 1136x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
521803 No.118   [Reply]

Please say hello in this thread when you're visiting otterchat.

648 posts and 206 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.4117  
File: 1733867760653.png -(143976 B, 795x267) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Just dropping in to say the alleged manifesto of the CEO assassin mentions otters. :dance:

>> No.4118  

If you're going to remember one thing, there's nothing better than for it to be otters. :feelsgood:

>> No.4140  

Happy New Year otterfriends. I hope its a great one for all of you!

>> No.4143  
File: 1736246103941.jpg -(33046 B, 720x514) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Otterposting in 2025!

>> No.4144  
File: 1736516822001.mp4 -(710777 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

If only I had 2025 otters to post

File: 1735954339514.jpg -(457754 B, 2560x1440) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
457754 No.4141   [Reply]

Riro, from the aquarium Marine World Uminonakamichi, has passed away today, 2025/1/4 (Japan). He was 17; They say his health has been deteriorating. The aquarium has been raising sea otters continuously since 1989, but Riro was the last sea otter they had. That means the only captive sea otters in Japan are Kira and May at the Toba aquarium.

>> No.4142  

It's always sad when an otter passes away but they had lived a long time and at least they didnt suffer in the end. He certainly was the cool uncle, such an ambassador, he will be missed.

File: 1733147700273.jpg -(97564 B, 1200x675) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
97564 No.4114   [Reply]

Hi otter friends! I'm planning Party Animals custom games on Christmas Day and New Year's Eve. More details will be announced later but it will be in EU server and CET New Year. I'll probably stay an hour longer for British New Year too if anyone is interested. I'm also thinking of making it a bigger invite so I can be sure there will be at least some friends I can coordinate the events with, though that may mean we won't all be playing as Otta but we'll see.:love:

9 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.4132  

Im game, as always, though if youd rather hang with your people thats a ok too. It will be a happy new year regardless :marine:

>> No.4133  

Sure, I'll keep you posted. I'm still not even really sure how this new year's event works in Party Animals. If you're the person on my friends list I can probably even invite you if I do end up in someone else's custom game and they're fine with it. You can message people on your friends list, I'm pretty sure.:love:

>> No.4137  

I haven't received a reply from the German streamer so I'll just go and make the lobby at 23:00 CET. I hope you'll join.

>> No.4138  

Who can I add? I'm on the free version.

>> No.4139  

You can add me. My friend ID is JHK4DD.

File: 1704791903478.png -(1347256 B, 968x931) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1347256 No.3889   [Reply]


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>> No.3897  
File: 1704923289044.jpg -(89242 B, 1080x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Why would we do that?

>> No.3904  

not*, not now. Ug, I'm sure an otter would be a better typist than me.

>> No.3906  
File: 1705204984499.jpg -(96013 B, 950x534) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Go on...

>> No.3907  
File: 1705218432289.jpg -(76432 B, 720x960) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>> No.3933  

Lol, the site was broken during that and everyone was getting autobanned, it would have been nice to see one or two otters on the catalog though, you guys are always welcome :love:
We should have the site up and running like normal in a few days

File: 1614097948427.jpg -(106994 B, 700x978) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
106994 No.70   [Reply]

Post some cute 2d otters.

48 posts and 27 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.3973  
File: 1710434106303.jpg -(259188 B, 1950x1297) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.3974  

I struck me how I thought ASCO's range included Japan, but when I check the map they aren't even close. They just seem to be so popular over there.
Anyways, is there a manga where otters are featured prominently?

>> No.3975  
File: 1710454277551.jpg -(121001 B, 800x591) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Never forget the Japanese otter..

>> No.3981  

So sad they went extinct, maybe as cloning technology progresses there might be hope to restore the species if there are enough DNA samples left

>> No.4119  
File: 1734112348689.jpg -(57102 B, 521x490) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Today I learned that final fantasy 14 has a cute little otter pet you can summon to follow you around. I didn't really vibe with FF14 but a friend of mine says she might try it just for the chance to have an otter so I may wind up joining her.

File: 1623950255071.png -(1347256 B, 968x931) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1347256 No.1217   [Reply]

ITT Otter face close-ups

58 posts and 43 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.3895  
File: 1704858917077.jpg -(88321 B, 1000x665) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

MFW Otterchat. You're all wonderful:love:

>> No.3898  
File: 1704926498592.jpg -(97290 B, 720x900) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

One of the otters at Lincolnshire Wildlife Park looks like this.

>> No.3908  
File: 1705425988761.png -(6212 B, 225x225) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That's a good lookin otter right there!

>> No.3930  
File: 1705955410272.gif -(3781603 B, 512x640) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.4116  
File: 1733829424022.jpg -(682602 B, 2560x1920) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

File: 1654120197751.jpg -(240491 B, 2048x2048) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
240491 No.2609   [Reply]

Why do otters have leaves on their heads so often?

56 posts and 19 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.4097  
File: 1728406836062.jpg -(48670 B, 720x522) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Autumn is officially here.

(Photo: Graham William Hughes)

>> No.4104  
File: 1730741781093.jpg -(269284 B, 1026x1280) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

So we have leaves on heads, but what about flowers below noses? Could be worth additional research.

>> No.4110  
File: 1732172822512.jpg -(62957 B, 640x787) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Interesting proposal. I only have this specimen, but the flower is slightly above the nose. Do you have some more examples?

>> No.4111  
File: 1732253351489.jpg -(223828 B, 1080x1440) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I found this one! Also a lot of AI art and some art I can't tell is AI or not.

>> No.4112  
File: 1732259303005.jpg -(70397 B, 550x614) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It is getting harder to find real otter photos... :hiding:

File: 1655549625762.jpg -(80061 B, 768x768) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
80061 No.2696   [Reply]

Hey otters, the UKWOT is a wonderful charity caring for the otters in Britain, and it looks like they're in some financial trouble now. It would be great if we could help out a little by donating or adopting one of their three lovely otters. Personally I'm thinking of buying an adoption package but I haven't decided on an otter yet...
Anyways, these people do great things for otters so I hope they can get the money they need. https://ukwildottertrust.org/

30 posts and 15 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.3161  
File: 1669678605495.jpg -(81611 B, 720x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

They've got two new young otters at the sanctuary! Hansel and Gretel were taken in as orphaned cubs a couple of weeks ago. Aren't they the cutest pair of otts you ever did see?

>> No.3162  

Aww, they're so cute! I'm sure they're gonna be getting the best care with the UKWOT

>> No.4105  

More UKWOT news, a kind soul has donated land so they will have more space to care for otters. It'll take a few years to have it up to full speed, but it looks like it will more than double the amount of enclosures they have which is fantastic https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c4g5p4yngzno

>> No.4106  

That's wonderful news! Especially great to hear they won't have to turn any otters away anymore.

>> No.4107  

Exactly! I was surprised to hear about them in the news and very happy that it was good news to be shared :)

File: 1678168189802.jpg -(103633 B, 960x735) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
103633 No.3440   [Reply]

What's better than an otter? A whole pile of otters!

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>> No.3538  

Does a pile of all piles contain itself?

>> No.4098  
File: 1729721379838.jpg -(71857 B, 720x540) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

What if you look down and instead of the floor, it's otters?

>> No.4101  

If the floor was otters i would be scared to step anywhere. I guess I would have to call in sick to work and hang with the otts.

>> No.4102  

Oh, I imagine they'd carry you wherever you wanna go. Floating on a cloud of otters... :feelsgood:

>> No.4103  

Hmm, good point. though id feel bad making them carry me anywhere. maybe we could take turns, they carry me for a while, i carry them for a while. Then in the end we celebrate a day well lived with fish.

File: 1645216923847.jpg -(99029 B, 720x965) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
99029 No.2247   [Reply]

Otter has a fish

2 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.4024  
File: 1715366153799.jpg -(442458 B, 550x661) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This otter has a bowling ball

>> No.4025  

woah, they look very skilled. I was never very good at bowling, but otters probably would be.

>> No.4026  
File: 1715463376268.jpg -(133211 B, 600x400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You can see him here, having vanquished the pins

>> No.4095  
File: 1728002804582.jpg -(192568 B, 1080x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.4096  

Woah! What a cool looking fish! Nature never ceases to amaze :surprised:

File: 1645293785342.jpg -(98297 B, 600x550) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
98297 No.2254   [Reply]

Otters are very good at hiding.

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>> No.3986  
File: 1711055600309.jpg -(35215 B, 550x824) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.4002  

:hiding: Why hasn't anyone posted a pic with an otter in it in this thread yet?

>> No.4006  

Otters are very sneaky, I have confidence we will get to see one someday!

>> No.4081  
File: 1727171096335.jpg -(78924 B, 720x956) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Tolga peeking

>> No.4094  

These otters have disguised themselves as salamanders, but they cant fool us because they have "otter" in their name. Silly otters! https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240904-hellbenders-saving-the-threatened-lasagne-lizard-from-extinction

File: 1727015262661.jpg -(20104 B, 1024x576) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
20104 No.4078   [Reply]

Hi everybody! It's Sea Otter Week! I thought, wouldn't it be nice to play Party Animals together for Sea Otter Week, since Otta is a sea otter? Unfortunately I won't be home for a few more days, so I'm gonna start making a custom game lobby every day from Wednesday until Saturday. It will be called "Sea Otter Week" and be on EU server at 8 pm UTC (the same time as our monthly streams normally happen.) The code will be 0774 (get it? "OTTA" in good old l33t sp34k.) Is anybody interested?:otterium:

4 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.4085  

Too bad nobody came. Maybe I should just do it on Saturday. Hopefully there will be more people then.

>> No.4086  

I'm sorry for not showing:hiding:, I just have less and less time these days. Unfortunately it's also looking like I won't be able to make it to the videos on Sunday. I promise that I can be counted among the ranks of Otterchat lovers!

>> No.4087  

I feel really bad that I only just saw this post now ;-; Sadly I do not have game pass and crossplay looks to be limited to PC and xbox players, but I will totally get the game on steam if I can still join in tomorrow? This seems like a really cute idea and I love it but it is also kindof short notice, we dont get a ton of daily traffic. Would love to see more stuff like this!

>> No.4091  

I thought you were going to run it again on Sunday, I missed out on that too. :surprised:

>> No.4092  

I tried to join on saturday but there was a tutorial and it took longer than expected and then i was five minutes late and then I couldn't find a lobby. i probably should have posted here but I didnt because I was silly

File: 1685003313650.gif -(8915354 B, 360x640) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
8915354 No.3631   [Reply]

So a lot of animals don't really like hugs. Are otters different? Will an otter let you hug it? Or do they only hug each other?
Post some pics of otters hugging pls.

>> No.3632  
File: 1685003454933.gif -(3363127 B, 360x640) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Wow that gif is way too big. Here, optimized

>> No.3633  
File: 1685052344380.jpg -(198411 B, 600x594) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I've seen videos of otters hugging people, but you probably shouldn't try too hard for it. If an otter wants to hug you, then he will. If he doesn't, then you're in for a world of hurt!

>> No.3636  
File: 1685248422296.jpg -(686307 B, 1000x714) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This isn't quite a full hug, but it's kinda like one

>> No.3945  
File: 1706628941701.jpg -(3024704 B, 3517x2416) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.4082  
File: 1727263946995.jpg -(42077 B, 720x555) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This be kind of a hug ? (Zoo Lodz)

File: 1724972008752.jpg -(209483 B, 1080x590) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
209483 No.4073   [Reply]

Squeak squeak

>> No.4074  

Whatcha squeaking about?:giant:

No.4068   [Reply]

Otters rock! And so does Otterchat!:otterium:

>> No.4070  
File: 1723905469336.jpg -(89842 B, 980x653) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This is good wisdom :feelsgood:

No.4067   [Reply]

hi guys we just stumbled on this website and we wanted to say hi and express our deep love for otters. we pray to the great otter in the sky every tuesday morning when mom comes home with fish from the local market. we pretend we're otters as we chew the fish and play with our food.:cine::cine::cine::dance::dance::feelsgood::dance::otterium::otterium::neotropical::lol::lol::love::lol::hiding::hairynosed::giant:

File: 1614628431863.jpg -(25120 B, 600x461) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
25120 No.207   [Reply]

Animals have to be smart to be able to do stupid things. Only intelligent animals can even come up with stupid things to do. That's why otters, raccoons, etc. are so funny, because they're intelligent. Stupid animals can only sleep, eat and do normal things which is why they're less funny. That's my theory at least. What do you think?

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>> No.3740  
File: 1691913892614.png -(903569 B, 702x702) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>What do you think?

Agreed 100% The inquisitiveness of otters is what drives them into so many "stupid" situations, whereas simpler animals just don't have the same curiosity about the world. A fish, for instance, is going to live its simple fish life and not be overly curious about changes in their environment past how it immediately relates to their capacity to find food or be safe from predators. On the other hand, when an otter notices that his environment has changed somehow, he immediately jumps to investigating it, even if it doesn't at all impact his ability to hunt or stay safe. And this is why fish are otter fuel, and otters are not fish fuel.

>> No.3926  

^This! Otters are curious and thus mischievous. They live in complex habitats with a lot of varied food sources where they benefit from being curious. Sometimes I suppose their curiosty gets the best of them lol

>> No.4032  

Curious :dance:
Mischievous :dance:
Piscivorous :dance:
Mischipiscicurivous :dance::dance::dance:

>> No.4065  

Gotta add in voracious now

>> No.4066  



No.4058   [Reply]

Have you seen this really great picture of river otters? I found it on accident while looking up reviews of the lens it was taken with and it's one of my favorites https://www.flickr.com/photos/northcoastgreg/31855845021/ :feelsgood:

>> No.4059  

Really lovely photo! Thanks for sharing it.

Are you into photography?

>> No.4060  
File: 1721420839837.jpg -(648042 B, 2047x1356) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's a very good picture. They look so smooth.

File: 1614865205024.jpg -(170152 B, 800x533) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
170152 No.257   [Reply]

Otters are really smart. Let's post some otters being clever

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>> No.4053  

Why would they want to? Civilizations are yucky. :hairynosed:

>> No.4054  

not if they're good societies and civilisations

>> No.4055  

And otters seem like they would make good civilizations

>> No.4056  

Otters have a good civilization

It's called otters

Already perfect the way it is:comfy:

>> No.4057  

I can think one way way to improve it, though, with more otters

File: 1626124266433.jpg -(53414 B, 720x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
53414 No.1393   [Reply]
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>> No.4042  

Otters are usually very busy, it's good to see they also get some time to rest

>> No.4045  

That depends on if it's in the water or on land,

In the water sea otters swim on there backs, so a sea otter on its stomach would be an upside down otter

But on land sea otters walk on their feet, so a sea otter on its back on land would be an upside down otter

An otter is an upside down otter if it would usually be the other way up in the given context

>> No.4046  
File: 1719077228877.jpg -(62955 B, 650x520) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

What about an otter doing a headstand?

>> No.4047  

That's a spiral shaped otter, a category into itself

>> No.4048  

Otters come in so many shapes, they are really quite amazing!

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