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File: 1614218874545.jpg -(1169478 B, 2692x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1169478 No.94  

Asian short clawed otters are so small and pudgy. Compare that to Eurasian otters with their muscular, well-proportioned bodies.
How do you explain this?

>> No.95  
File: 1614218897272.jpg -(213268 B, 683x1024) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

<-- average Eurasian otter.

>> No.117  

It's probably just down to diet, small clawed otters like to eat more foraged food like crabs afaik.

>> No.130  


>How do you explain this

It's the Indo-European Otter genes. European otters are made for conquest

>> No.134  
File: 1614348532316.jpg -(1183209 B, 2524x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You still gotta love their chubby round faces.

>> No.177  
File: 1614459429926.jpg -(505288 B, 1549x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Definitely. They are the most widespread otter species for a reason.

>> No.305  

Greatest empire in history.

>> No.869  

Eurasian otters are lone otters, they have to be strong in their own. Meanwhile Asian Small Clawed Otters live in groups and so they can rely on each other more.

>> No.1385  
File: 1625936738032.jpg -(656393 B, 2173x1707) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Good old Strength in Numbers.
