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41045 No.586  

How do I profit from otters?

>> No.591  

Wrong question.
How do I prophet from otters? is the real q to be asking yourself.

>> No.592  
  1. Otter
  2. ????
  3. PROFIT!
>> No.593  

There's not a step of questioning. Simply being around an otter is profiting enough

As in, how do I predict the future using the power of otters, or how do I predict where otters will be so that I can be around them?

>> No.594  

>>593 Otters create good times, whether past present or future.

>> No.595  

Is there an optimal distance to an otter to achieve maximum profit?

>> No.609  


>As in, how do I predict the future using the power of otters, or how do I predict where otters will be so that I can be around them?

I find the two faculties to be related. The more in tune you are with the otter, the more you will sense its presence, and also the more you will unlock its advanced understanding of reality, and so gain glimpses into the future. That's how it's always worked for me, anyway.

>>595 The closer the better.
Full body snuggles would ensure max profetability, I imagine.

>> No.621  

>>609 Otter knows not to fall for clairvoyant scams. That's how Otter has so much money.

>> No.693  


>Full body snuggles would ensure max profetability, I imagine.

But otters don't always like being touched. In fact for them it's better to keep a distance.

>> No.702  

>>693 Well, it entirely depends on the relationship between the otter and the wannabe snuggler, doesn't it?
If there's one thing this image board proves, it's how happy otters look when they're getting cuddly with their otter-friends.
Obviously, as extremely discerning creatures, otters do not permit themselves to be touched by just anyone.

>> No.1149  

Train otters to catch you fish, then sell it.
