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File: 1678303893791.jpg -(19855 B, 354x346) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
19855 No.3463  

Educational otter materials
Hi otters, as some of you might have heard at the congress, Carol Bennetto from the Otter Specialist Group launched a fantastic little website where she hosts a bunch of educational material about otters for kids and adults. However she needs some help creating new material, as well as translating and distributing the existing stuff.
Maybe we can help out and make some material of our own? I'm sure we have quite a few otters with the necessary skills here... people need to know about otters, after all.


>> No.3464  
File: 1678304001127.pdf -(431617 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Gonna post some examples

>Neotropical otter word search
>> No.3465  
File: 1678304052878.pdf -(762320 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Giant otter fact sheet
>> No.3466  
File: 1678304098678.pdf -(157184 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>NARO dot to dot drawing
>> No.3467  
File: 1678304191694.pdf -(1051565 B, 0x0) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Eurasian otter maze
>> No.3522  


>Maybe we can help out and make some material of our own?

I looked on their website and there's a topic page for the pet trade and why it's bad, but it lacks any real information as of yet. We could write something up to send them to help educate people about why it's so bad, and hopefully reduce its impact somewhat

>> No.3524  

That's a great idea! Yeah, the page is completely empty as of now apart from a link. What information do you think should be included in particular? Needs to have some solid facts of course, all about the harm it's doing to the species but also about how hard it is to keep an otter as a pet.

>> No.3527  

I think the biggest thing we should talk about is the harm that the pet otter trade causes to wild otters. I've heard a lot of talk about how poachers kill adult otters for pelts and steal babies for being pets, so that's definitely something to talk about. I also know that there have been a couple of studies of otter cafes and how they're totally unable to care for their otters, so maybe we bring that up somehow?

>> No.3528  

I agree, that's definitely worth mentioning. IMO it's good to keep it short and sweet and get the point across. Why don't we both think about it and write something up? Maybe we can make it into a graphic, too.

>> No.3529  

Sounds like a plan, I'll write something up tonight

>> No.3665  

Hey, did we ever finish something?
