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File: 1632175782635.jpg -(102405 B, 720x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
102405 No.1807  

Otters have existed on earth for 30 million years. 30 000 000 years, or 30 000 millenia.
That's 150 times longer than humans are known to have existed.
If you count the early otterish mammals, then that's 150 million (150 000 000) years of otters, or 750 times the human existence.

In other words, if otters had existed for 1000 years, we would have been here for about 1.3 years.

Otters are pretty long.

>> No.1808  

And in all this time, they've always been doing the same things. No improvement is ever needed.

>> No.1809  

Another comparison:
If otters had existed for a day, we would have existed for less than two minutes.

>> No.1957  

30 million years.
3 million generations.
All this time to eat delicious snacks, roll around in the grass, slide in the snow, play with rocks, and swim in pristine waters.

>> No.1958  

They've perfected their craft

>> No.1976  


>early otterish mammals

What were the earliest otterish mammals?

>> No.1980  
File: 1636961767462.jpg -(285415 B, 2048x1157) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That'd be guys like this

>> No.1984  

New look, same taste

>> No.1989  

It's not the same as an otter. But it definitely rhymes.

>> No.2146  

Small and pointy!

>> No.2148  
File: 1642261038093.jpg -(524014 B, 2000x1294) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Like an otter shrew (Yes that's a real animal)

>> No.2204  

>>2148 These are some wacky looking otters

>> No.3558  
File: 1680149903546.jpg -(584402 B, 2000x1415) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Speaking of older otters, I recently learned that there were once lion-sized otters! Giant otters are certainly big boys, but these otts must have really been something else!

>> No.3559  

Were there also giant fish back then? It seems everything was big back then...

>> No.3561  
File: 1680492288170.jpg -(121324 B, 800x533) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I suppose that there must have been. I'm far from an expert, but if predators can get that big, it must mean that there was some hefty prey out there to be eaten.

>> No.3564  

Apparently they mostly ate land based prey, very strange otters to not be in the water but also equally interesting to learn about. What a different world we would live in if terrestrial otters were the norm.

>> No.3598  


>What a different world we would live in if terrestrial otters were the norm.

Definitely, but I suppose that, for the creatures living back then, that was normal. So maybe they'd see our watery otters and think we're the strange ones!
