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File: 1660313614673.png -(84462 B, 450x377) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
84462 No.2904  

It's time folks! IOSF are handing out their special awards for otter conservation.

The award categories are:

If you know somebody you think deserves an award nominate them here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScpBO7orWl_7ncmaYtlPL8EFnd1bEYUvzy2qM-YQixiYD-LvA/viewform

And here's their website with more information and previous winners: https://otter.org/Public/News_OtterOscars.aspx

>> No.3061  

IOSF have put together a neat little quiz about otters here. Apparently there's a prize, too, but they won't say what it is (curious!). Regardless it's a neat way to test your knowledge.


>> No.3062  

Have they named any winners yet? I myself don't really have anyone to nominate...

>> No.3245  
File: 1670359614795.jpg -(87379 B, 600x525) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

They've finally announced the winners:

>Photography/Artwork – Talia Rose, USA - Check out the great photo below!


>Young Person - Lim Wei Hang and Haizan anak Kamarul Zaman Malaysian Nature Society, Malaysia - For their incredible knowledge, passion and help during IOSF/MNS Workshop in April.
>Group or Organisation - Chesapeake Bay Otter Alliance: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, USA - Monitoring of North American River Otter’s on Chesapeake Bay, USA.
>Community Achievement – Krunal Trivedi, Nature Club Surat, India - Otter-community conflict management, outreach and mitigation methods.
>Research – WildTrack - Frederick Kistner, Larissa Slaney (and co-contributors Asaf Ben David , Zoe Jewell and Sky Alibhair) - For the development of technology using otter footprints to monitor populations.
>Special Award - Dr Wolfgang Gettmann , Germany - Wolfgang has been creating awareness of the problems facing otters, particularly in Germany, for many years and continues to be a passionate advocate for their conservation.

Congrats to the winners!
